25th September Update.
Nominations closed on the 20th September
The Following Nominations have been received for the executive committee
Vice President – Andrew Aranovitch
Treasurer – Brad Carlson
2020 Annual General Meeting of Caboolture Sports Football Club (CSFC) will be held on Monday 28th of September 2019 at the Moreton Bay Sporting Complex Clubhouse, Aquatic Drive Burpengary. Registrations will open at 6.30pm and the meeting will commence at 7.00pm.
2020 Annual General Meeting of Caboolture Sports Football Club (CSFC) will be held on Monday 28nd of September 2020 at the Moreton Bay Sporting Complex Clubhouse, Aquatic Drive Burpengary.
Registrations will open at 6.30pm and the meeting will commence at 7.00pm.
Seeking Nominations for the following Management Committee positions
Vice President
Please download the application form below and email completed form to secretary@caboolturesportsfc.com.au